

By / on 15 Sep, 2020


BPMpathway provides remote sensors for post operative patients to manage their care for pain, range and quality of motion and physiotherapy care. When BPMpathway contacted Lillibolero, they needed key infrastructure brought up to date without loss of service for the patients depending on them. We were happy to oblige and by using rolling updates Lillibolero managed to bring their servers up to date without service outages for their users.


By / on 15 Jul, 2020

Wolfpack Research

When your job is to expose Chinese corporations trading on the US market that are not what they seem to be, you’re bound to make some enemies. As portrayed in the documentary The China Hustle , after publishing due diligence reports on several popular Chinese businesses that showed the companies in question could not possibly be experiencing the growth they were claiming in their SEC filings and the “China Miracle” to be a little too miraculous, that’s exactly the position that Wolfpack Research founder Dan David found himself in. The company’s website found itself to be the target of DOS (Denial Of Service) attacks that appeared to have an origin in China. After reviewing Wolfpack’s requirements for security in the face of traffic spikes from hackers and the need to disseminate their research quickly to a global audience, a rebuild of their site using modern serverless technologies seemed like the best bet. Lillibolero’s framework of choice for static sites is the Hugo static site generator, both for it’s speed in rendering the final HTML site and for its maturity and ecosystem.


By J. Toman / on 31 Jul, 2019

Content Delivery Network

Content Delivery Network

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a collection of connected data centers around the world that sit between your web visitor and your server, which we’ll call your origin server. When someone visits your web page the CDN first checks the data center closest to your visitor to see if a cached version of the page or any other resources they requested are available there. If they’re not found in the cache, the data center will relay the request to the origin server which supplies the missing resources to the data center. The data center caches them for future use and sends them on to the web visitor. If the visitor is in luck and the data center has a copy of the page or resource, then it delivers that local copy. That’s usually much faster than asking your origin server to rebuild and serve those resources every time a request is sent. Often the data center has a configurable time to live (TTL) after which it considers the content of its cache stale . Stale content is always refreshed from the origin server when there is a request for it, and the time to live on the content is reset. This allows a balance for resources that are only changed infrequently to remain up to date.
