

By / on 24 Jun, 2009

Manufacturing Solutions Innovation

Manufacturing Solutions Innovation is a company that specializes in actuators and drive motors manufactured in China. They needed a B2B site to display their current line actuators as well as advertise their custom manufacturing services. B2B websites present an entirely different challenge. The division between “show” and “go”, between looks and functionality, often ends up favoring the functionality side. We went with Joomla, a popular CMS with a WYSIWYG backend that allows non-developers to add content.


By / on 24 Jun, 2007

South Lane County Fire and Rescue

With the help of LightWeb Design, Lillibolero rebuilt the South Lane Fire and Rescue website with Joomla CMS as part of a community outreach project. Besides the public facing website, the project included an internal staff portal for training schedules, etc. .


By / on 24 Jun, 2006

Lavender Field Embroidery

Lavender Field Embroidery was the first website Lillibolero built when the company was formed. It didn’t turn out that bad, considering how convoluted the Joomla development process was at the time.


By / on 24 Jun, 2006


It was built on Joomla and was one of the first sites Lillibolero built. Joomla can be somewhat hard to maintain, or at least this version was. For a straight forward business site Wordpress, even with it’s limitation, is easier for the average user.
